Liz Lovely I’m in love with you.

Today is the Mardi Gras Parade in BTV and I have the day all to myself!!  Big Dude and Little Dude are at the parade with Grandpa and I get to do whatever I wants to do, which absolutely positively has nothing to do with watching a parade and especially not in 30 degree weather.  So I hung out, made myself a Latte with Almond Milk (or 4), made a little breakyfast,


had a leisurely morning, went to check out a new listing in Essex and decided to get my hair cut on a whim.  I’m not kidding, it’s been like a year since I had my hair cut.  I needed it.  So I Googled salons in Essex and came across Purple Sage Salon and Kristin had an opening in 15 minutes.  YES PLEASE!!  I think she did a great job!

Photo on 3-2-13 at 6.13 PM

And, lucky me, the salon is in the same plaza as Sweet Clover Market and I was in the mood for some pulled pork.  I kid you not, theirs is really unfreakingbelievable.  Plus they will serve it up with coleslaw and avacado on the side for less than a sandwich.  Yah buddy.  They only looked at me funny the first time I ordered it that way.  As I was waiting for my delish lunch to be pop up on the counter, I looked around at the racks near the deli and I saw these cookies, and I sighed.  And then I saw THESE COOKIES!!  And I swear, I did a little dance.  Vegan and gluten free??  Chocolate and mint??  Hello heaven… if only they taste just even a little bit good, I can die happy.  So before you call me out, yes, I know they’re still not Paleo.  But really, I’m sure the BBQ sauce in the pork and the slaw dressing aren’t Paleo either and frankly, if I’m cheating, this is a damn good cheat.  Better than the cheesesteaks and cheesecake I could have gotten.  Ohhh cheesecake…  So yeah, back to the cookies.  I almost didn’t eat my lunch and just at the cookies, but I was really excited about the pulled pork too.  When I finally got to the cookies, it was better than I could have imagined.  Really.  I said out loud, shut the front door.  And then I drove to my friend Beth’s work so I could give her the 2nd cookies so I wouldn’t eat both in one sitting.  Cause they’re really huge.  One serving is a 1/2 cookie.  And I already at a whole cookie.  But so worth it.  I now have a girl crush on Liz Lovely.  I want to go cook with her.  Except that she’s vegan.  I need meat.  But I could maybe skip it for one meal…

Oh, cool factor, when I Googled the website for Liz Lovely, one of the suggestions was “Liz Lovely Shark Tank”!  She was on Shark Tank!!  How cool is that??  Represent VT!!  Yea, I’m a dork.